Jumat, 08 Juli 2011


Disease Lung Cancer
Disusun untuk memenuhi tugas Bahasa Inggris

Kelompok I:
Abdul khahar
Ahmad fahri
Windy puspita
Siti saidah
Priyo dwisusilo


Lung Cancer

A. Background Problem
Approximately 90 percent of patients with lung cancer associated with smoking men. Expert explains, smoking has been proven as one of the main causes of lung cancer, clinical data indicated that about 90 percent of people with lung cancer 79 percent of men and women patients with similar diseases, all associated with smoking.
Experts said that during recent years, the number of patients with lung cancer increases a woman many, among them a number of female patients did not smoke, but from the last tracking the culprit is found that passive smoking and inhaling smoke too much oil in the kitchen. Experts warn, actively advocated not smoking can help people stay away from the threat of cancer killer topnotch.
A survey of 10 cities in China, the public is very aware of relationship between smoking and lung cancer. Approximately 90 percent of respondents think, smoking is one of the main reasons that cause major diseases of lung cancer, while about 50 percent of respondents said that, among smokers there is a lifetime 10-15 percent of people afflicted by lung cancer.
Selection of treatment method depends on large and small tumors, type, and the stage. Surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, all these can be used for the treatment of lung cancer.
B. Problem formulation
Based on the above background, the problem can be formulated as follows:
a. How does the process of transmission of lung cancer?
b. How is the treatment?
C. Goal
In accordance with the above problems, the goal is achieved in this study are:
a. Describe the process of invasion of lung cancer in humans.
b. Describe how the treatment of lung cancer.
D. Benefit Research
This study has the following benefits.
a. For patients with lung cancer, this study can be used as an alternative to prevention of lung cancer.
b. For the development of medical technology, this research can be used as a basis for creating the drug eradication of lung cancer in an effective and side effect is not due to use of traditional medicines.
c. For extension workers, this study can be used as an ingredient in providing counseling to teenagers who like to smoke.
d. For researchers, this study can be used to study of the preliminary study to conduct the study continued.

A. Pengerian Lung Cancer
Lung cancer is a dangerous tumor that grows in the lungs. Most lung cancers derived from cells in the lungs, but lung cancer can also come from cancer in other parts of the body that spreads to the lungs.
Lung cancer is the cancer most frequently occurs, both men and women. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths.
More than 90% of lung cancer starts from bronchi (large airways into the lungs), cancer is called carcinoma bronkogenik, which consists of the following: squamous cell carcinoma, small cell carcinoma or wheat cell carcinoma, large cell carcinoma, and adenocarcinoma.
Malignancy in the hollow piston includes lung cancer, mediastinal tumors, metastatic tumors in the lung and malignant mesotelioma (kegasanan in the pleura). Most cases of thoracic cavity malignancy is lung cancer. Worldwide, lung cancer is the most important cause of mortality among deaths from malignant disease. Men are the group most cases though, the incidence in women tends to increase, it is related to lifestyle (smoking)

Lung cancer in a broad sense is all malignancies in the lung diseases, including malignancies originating from the lung itself (primary) and metastatic tumors in the lung. Metastatic tumor in the lung is a tumor that grows as a result of the spread (metastasis) of primary tumors of other organs. Definitions for primary lung cancer that is malignant tumor derived from bronchial epithelium. Although rarely found in primary lung cancer can not derived from bronchial epithelial tumors such as bronchial gland. Benign lung tumors that often is a hamartoma.
B Risk factors
• Male
• More than 40 years of age
• Smoker
• Live / work environment containing substances and pollution karasinogen
• Industry Exposure / Environment specific work
• Female nonsmokers
• History never get cancer, others / immediate family members who suffer from lung cancer
• Uberkulosis lungs (scar cancer), the figure is very small kejadiaannya
People who are included in the group or be exposed to the risk factors above and have the signs and symptoms of respiratory cough, shortness of breath, chest pain called high risk groups (GRT) then it should immediately be referred to a lung specialist.

Particular attention should be given to patients who fall into risk groups with a diagnosis of pulmonary TB (pulmonary tuberculosis) and received anti-tuberculosis drug treatment (OAT). They must be evaluated rigorously. If the 1-month evaluation showed deterioration should first think about the direction the possibility of lung cancer and referred to a lung specialist. Especially that accompanied the complaint of persistent pain in the shoulder / arm / chest with "infiltrates" at the top of the lung, if the pain does not disappear within 1 - 2 weeks of treatment of lung cancer is very well directed immediately evaluated.

Signs and Symptoms
The main complaints:
• Cough with or without sputum (phlegm white, can also be purulent) more than 3 weeks
• Coughing blood
• Shortness of breath
• Hoarseness
• Persistent chest pain
• Difficult / pain swallowing
• Lump at the base of the neck
• Swollen face and neck, sometimes accompanied by swollen arm with great pain.

A. Cancer Survey
A survey of 10 cities of China showed a general lack of attention to the early diagnosis of lung cancer. Although there are 71 per cent of respondents aware of a prolonged cough is a common symptom of lung cancer, when there was coughing constantly could not explain why, about 35 percent of respondents said no notice at all of these symptoms.
Experts warn, cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, decreased appetite and coughing up blood is a symptom of lung cancer. Lung cancer symptoms are not specific characteristics, but will lead to new vigilance after these symptoms had a protracted hold. Thus, the early symptoms of lung cancer patients in general ignored, so that once diagnosed with lung cancer was already at the middle and late stages, plus cell lung cancer is easy to attack the other organs and relapse, so that the survival rates overall lung cancer patients is not high. Level during the 5-year survival of lung cancer in the United States only about 15 percent, but the average level of similar patients in developing countries is only about 10 percent.

A. The discovery of Lung Cancer
Early introduction of this disease is difficult if only based on complaints only. Usually a mild complaint occurred in those who are still in early stages ie stage I and II. Data in Indonesia and reports developed countries most cases of lung cancer when the disease has been diagnosed in advanced stage (stage III and IV).
Checks that can be done for the early recognition of this, besides the clinical examination is the examination of the chest radiograph and / or sputum cytologic examination. The picture of the chest radiograph can be found in the tumor with an uneven edge and even withdrawal of the pleura and chest wall bone destruction. Not infrequently found in description effusion so massive pleural tumors are not visible. Sputum cytology will give positive results if there are tumors or intrabronkus central section. Progress in technology has been proven autoflouresensi endoscopy can detect precancerous lesions or cancerous lesions are located centrally. Changes found in bronchial mucosa at an early stage malignant lesions difficult to see with a conventional bronchoscope. It can be overcome with a bronchoscope autoflouresensi because it can detect carcinoma in situ lesions that may look normal with normal bronchoscope.
B. Diagnosis of Lung Cancer
Diagnostic procedures for lung cancer performed until a definite diagnosis is obtained (histologic type) and can be determined until the stage of disease can be thought modaliti appropriate therapy. Also to be considered public keadan patients (performance status) and financial capabilities.
Diagnostic procedure for cancer cells can be made from the simplest way to invasive action depended on condition of the patient. Options that include fine needle biopsy if there is a superficial mass, pleural puncture and biopsy if there is pleural effusion, bronchoscopy followed by rinsing, sweep, curettage, biopsy of the mass intrabronkus, etc. in an effort to get this type of histology.
Diagnostic procedures to determine the stage of disease, among others, the chest radiograph, thoracic CT scan and bronchoscopy until the suprarenal gland. The CT-scan (MRI) head and bone scan done if there were complaints (of indication) or patients who will be dissected.
Tumor markers are not performed to diagnose lung cancer, but only useful for evalausi outcomes.
In certain circumstances a diagnosis can not be upheld in spite of various diagnostic procedures, the exploration can be done Thoracotomy.
C. Histological Type of Lung Cancer
Types of Lung Cancer Cells are divided into two groups:
• small cell lung cancer (SCLC) Lung cancer types-small cell carcinoma (KPKSK) or small cell lung cancer (SCLC)
• non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), mencakup adenokarsinoma, karsinoma sel skuamosa, karsinoma sel besar (large cell ca) and karsinoma adenoskuamosa. Lung cancer types of non-small cell carcinoma (KPKBSK) or non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), including adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, large cell carcinoma (large cell ca) and carcinoma adenoskuamosa. Although sometimes found in other species with a frequency that is very rare carcinoid etc. eg.
D. Lung Cancer Staging
Staging (penderajatan) for lung cancer based on tumor (T) and its spread to the lymph nodes (N) and other organs (M).

E. Stage of lung cancer, small cell carcinoma type (KPKSK)
consists of:
• Stage is limited (limited) if it only involves one side of lung (hemitoraks)
• Stage area (extensived) if it has been expanded from one hemitoraks or spread to other organs.

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